
Departmental Honors in the College of Arts & 科学

A&S Departmental 荣誉项目

论文 or Project Approval Process, 最后期限 and 形式

论文 Overview and Guidelines

Some Helpful Hints for Getting It All Together

关于一个&S Departmental Honors

Outstanding undergraduate students in the College of Arts & 科学 at the junior or senior level who maintain an accumulative GPA of at least 3.50 may be eligible to earn Departmental Honors from their department of major. A thesis or project is required as the culmination of supervised research or an appropriate project carried out over several terms; therefore, it is best to start exploring the possibility of an honors thesis no later than the beginning of the junior year. Honors students may be encouraged to share their findings in a variety of professional and academic conference settings, and sometimes even present with their faculty. The newbb电子平台 Student 研究 and Creative Activity Expo attracts A&S honors students who, along with other outstanding students from across the newbb电子平台 campus, compete for awards. Completion of thesis requirements established by the respective department allows the honors student to graduate "With Honors," a designation noted in the degree bearing official transcript and on the student's newbb电子平台 diploma, and serves as an impressive credential for applying to advanced programs of study.

Not every department in the College of Arts & 科学 offers an honors program. 部门 with Departmental Honors programs include: 人类学, Biological 科学, 化学 & 生物化学, 经典 & 世界宗教, 英语, Environment & 植物生物学, 地理位置, 历史, 哲学, 物理, 政治科学, 心理学, 社会学, and 女性、性别 & Sexuality Studies.

部门 offering an honors program appoint a Departmental Honors Coordinator (DHC) who, in consultation with the department chair and faculty, will establish requirements and guidelines, the procedures to apply to and be selected for the program, as well as monitoring the progress of all honors students in the department.

These web pages fully describe the requirements and expectations for enrolling in an Honors Program.

Links to Departmental 荣誉项目