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Meta Action Project


Briefly describe the project in less than 100 words. 确定关键的组织领域(部门、项目、部门、单位等).)和本行动项目将影响、改变和/或改进的关键组织过程.

我们建议开发一个更成熟的流程来管理行动项目的想法开发和决策. 随着俄亥俄州领导层的变化以及AQIP对行动项目本身的范围和时间表的新想法, 现在是时候重新审视我们如何从制度上管理俄亥俄州的行动项目管道了. 这个项目将正式确立一个重要的校园教学监督委员会的新角色, 学习, and Assessment priorities, 这一过程将涉及高级学术和行政领导. If successful, we will have a more mature, more visible, 以及更有效的识别和培育定期优先改进项目的过程.

描述你的机构现在启动这个行动项目的原因,以及完成它需要多长时间. 为什么这个项目及其目标是贵机构当前优先考虑的事项? 也, 解释该项目如何与机构最近或即将提交的系统投资组合中描述的任何战略计划或挑战相关.

As noted during our Comprehensive Quality Review in 2015, the AQIP Task Force has been merged with the Teaching, 学习 and Assessment Committee. 这一战略转变是为了让学校专注于“帮助学生学习”,“将战略举措与我们的使命和愿景结合起来,通过教育改变学生的生活. 随着这种调整,我们有机会成熟我们的选择过程, 部署 and evaluating action projects. CQR访问小组建议,该机构在整体成熟度方面与类别质量概述保持一致, they also noted that we, “……有机会通过对关键过程和计划进行系统评估,将我们的质量体系提升到下一个成熟水平.他说:“更成熟的程序可确保规划系统有效,并能切合院校的需要,从而确定用于改善的资源是否有预期的效果。. Our intention is to complete this project over the 2017-18 academic year.

List the project goals, 里程碑, and deliverables along with corresponding metrics, 到期日期, and other measures for assessing the progress toward each goal. 一定要包括你预期提交项目进行正式审查的时间.

该项目的首要目标是提高newbb电子平台选择过程的成熟度, deploys and evaluates its action projects. 为了使过程更加成熟,本行动项目力求:

  • 扩大行动计画构想制定的参与、参与及意识
  • 通过向涉众分享跨单位的过程和结果来增加透明度
  • 通过建立通知过程迭代细化的定期评估,确定过程继续满足机构的需要.

Milestones for Goal 1: Expanded participation, engagement, and awareness

  • Process developed by September 1, 2017
  • Process will be initiated by November 1, 2017
  • Evaluation will be performed by May 1, 2018

Milestones for Goal 2: Increased transparency

  • Communication strategy developed by September 1, 2017
  • Process will be initiated by November 1, 1017
  • Evaluation will be performed by May 1, 2018

Milestones for Goal 3: Periodic evaluation

  • Process developed by Sept 1, 2017
  • Process will be deployed by May 1, 2018
  • Evaluation will be performed by July 1, 2018

将根据教学建立的估计基线制定指标, 学习, and Assessment Committee at the initiation of this project. 虽然这些目标可以根据基线数据的发展加以改进, we plan to measure success by the following internal targets:

Goal 1: Expanded participation, engagement, and awareness

  • 10% increase in views of communications regarding action project planning
  • 10% increase in action project ideas proposed, with representation from a broad cross-section of the university community

Goal 2: Increased transparency

New processes developed for selecting, 部署 and evaluating action projects, as well as the results of selecting, 部署, and evaluating action projects, 是否通过战略沟通计划中定义的关键沟通渠道进行共享, 跟踪指标将展示这种交流的广泛可见性和消费. Detailed metrics will be set once benchmarking is complete, 但我们的目标是让75%以上的社区曝光这一过程,并将数字消费增加15%.

Goal 3: Periodic evaluation

收集有关流程及其影响的数据的目的是为持续改进提供信息,并确保我们实现并保持以HLC成熟阶段为特征的最高水平的整合到大学运营中. Data will be aggregated from throughout the implementation, e.g., web page views, numbers of plans submitted; the Teaching, 学习, and Assessment committee will seek feedback and engagement through focus groups; and involvement of academic leadership, key governance bodies in our shared governance structure, and stakeholders across the community; and the committee will implement changes based on these findings as warranted.

描述学习社区的不同成员将如何参与这个行动计划. 显示个人和团队在项目期间参与的广度.

A subcommittee of our Teaching, 学习, and Assessment Committee will lead this effort, but consultation with the full committee and many other key stakeholders, 包括各级学术和行政领导以及参与行动规划工作的教职员工, will be essential to success.

Describe how the institution will monitor project progress/success during, and at the completion of this project. Be sure to specifically state the measures that will be evaluated and when.


  • 利益相关者小组委员会主席将跟踪行动项目时间表, 谁向更大的TLA委员会报告以监督进度并确保该计划的及时进展.
  • Internal targets, and initial benchmarking, will be used to measure results and progress toward each goal, as detailed above
  • 整个项目的成功将通过选择过程是否成熟来衡量, 部署 and evaluating action projects is increased during our
    next Systems Portfolio review.

As we are moving through leadership transition, 在开发更成熟的流程时,我们为关键领导者设计的角色可能会延迟访问或批准. We see little real challenge in completing this work, and are excited to move to a more mature process for selecting, 部署 and evaluating action project planning and implementation.
